#100DaysOfCode Day 11: Project Complete!
Day 11: Project Complete!
View my latest project: https://bit.ly/SMRancidTomatillosProject
View the code: https://bit.ly/SMRancidTomatillosGitHub
Today we got our feedback for our first mod3 project. This project went incredibly well! I want to reflect on three wins but also three things I could improve on for future projects.
- I love the way it looks! The UI is super clean. The stars could be closer to their movie posters to ensure we know which movie they are displaying information for. But I feel we handled the loading really well. I like the addition of gray rectangles to signify the page is loading the components.
- Getting an application to a minimum viable product is incredibly easy with React! I can’t believe how easy it is to work with Javascript in React. Dealing with components makes class-to-class interaction much more intuitive in my opinion.
- My first project implementing Cypress for testing went awesome. I love how useful Cypress is with its automated testing. I don’t have to rerun tests time and time again. So many saved clicks!
Things to Improve On
- I need to work on my code review game when working in a partner project setting. This project involved a considerable amount of driver-navigator-style coding. In fact, almost 80% of the project was coded in that manner. So when it came to writing comments for code, it was hard to add comments on code we had pretty much commented together. I feel I could still add some comments though and I need to work on that.
- We had some data cleaning functions within our MoviePage Component. We probably could have cleaned up our code by moving these data cleaning functions to a separate file like utils.js. Keeping components clean and single-responsibility is key!
- I’d like to go back and refactor this project to make the search update as you type in each key rather than having to hit the submit button. It’s not immediately obvious how to return to a search with all movie posters. You need to delete the input and click submit again in order to do this. Having the state update the search in a controlled form manner would allow me to update the search automatically.
Thank you
A big shout out to Bobby Vasquez for being an incredible project partner. Your CSS skills are next-level and I aspire to get to your proficiency. Thanks for the smooth sailing throughout this project.